Sobriety checkpoints in North Carolina, as in most places, are typically placed by law enforcement officials at high-traffic intersections where accidents have historically been known to occur — and where police believe they will encounter and stop a large number of people to determine whether they are driving drunk.
One driver in Pennsylvania recently decided that he simply would not stop at a sobriety checkpoint, according to state patrol officers. According to law enforcement, the 52-year-old driver almost struck down five officers as he blew through the checkpoint, even though two signs had been posted to alert drivers of the checkpoint and three patrol cars had been stationed there with lights activated, and flares had been placed on the roadway.
The police report claims that one of the state troopers turned on his siren and pursued the driver, who sped away. The man apparently got out of his truck, however, and ran away on foot. The pursuing trooper tackled the man, who allegedly resisted arrest. The trooper twice used his Taser to “dry stun” (electrocute) the man before determining he was no longer resisting, according to court records. He was then handcuffed and taken into custody.
Police on the scene claim, unsurprisingly, that they smelled alcohol emanating from the driver. They also described him has having glassy eyes and slurred speech. They also assert that they found a small bag of what they suspect to be marijuana in the driver’s shirt pocket.
The driver did submit to a test to determine his blood alcohol content when he was taken to the local medical center, but the results were not apparently available to the media.
The driver was charged with:
- One count of first-degree misdemeanor DUI
- Five misdemeanor counts of second-degree recklessly endangering another person
- One count third-degree felony of fleeing and attempting to elude police
Bail was set at $150,000.
Speeding through a sobriety checkpoint is not the best way to avoid a drunk driving arrest, as this driver discovered. Now, instead of dealing with a single misdemeanor DUI charge, this driver is now facing a number of criminal charges which could have serious consequences, if he is convicted. Should you be in a similar position here in North Carolina, don’t panic, and don’t make things worse. Stay safe, and call a lawyer.
Source:, “Police: suspected DUI driver speeds through checkpoint,” Danny Adler, July 2, 2012