How a State Level Offense in Raleigh, North Carolina Turns Into a Federal Offense - Sparrow Law Firm

Raleigh Criminal Defense Lawyer, Michelle Sparrow, expresses how an offense at the state level in North Carolina could graduate into a federal offense.

At Sparrow Law Firm, we handle both state and federal cases. Sometimes, state and federal cases can join together. Occasionally, a state case may actually be adopted by federal authorities who wish to conduct their own investigation and prosecute at a federal level. This process is known as “Going Federal”.

Under the concept of “Dual Sovereignty”, while a state has jurisdiction over what occurs within it’s borders, sometimes federal authorities may have jurisdiction over a specific element in a case, such as interstate commerce or interstate drug trafficking. At this point, federal investigators could choose to take precedence over a state investigation.

Whether your case remains a state level matter or goes federal, Sparrow Law Firm is prepared to handle representing your matter.

If you are seeking counsel, contact the Raleigh criminal defense attorneys at Sparrow Law Firm for a free consultation.